Day: September 26, 2024

Attract Top Talent: How Employer Branding Empowers Your Board

Explore how employer branding empowers your board to attract and retain top talent. Discover how a strong employer brand builds a positive reputation, increases employee engagement, and streamlines recruitment. Learn key considerations for board-driven employer branding strategies, including defining your EVP, aligning initiatives with strategy, and holding management accountable. See how supports boards with secure communication, collaboration tools, performance tracking, and a curated content library.

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Building Boardroom Brilliance: Why Board Education Matters More Than Ever

Explore the importance of board education for effective board governance. Discover how ongoing learning empowers boards to make informed decisions, manage risks, and drive strategic value. Learn about various board education options available, including board development programs, online resources, and industry events. See how supports your board’s learning journey with a curated content library, self-assessment tools, benchmarking data, and a secure communication platform.

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