Navigating Leadership and Innovation with Rick Tocquigny

Join us on Leadership Talks as Martin Rowinski, co-founder and CEO of Boardsi, delves into an enlightening conversation with Rick Tocquigny. Rick, a mentor, author, and founder of the Success Made to Last podcast, shares his extensive experience transitioning from corporate giants like P&G and PepsiCo to media entrepreneurship. Explore key takeaways on the importance of storytelling in leadership, mentorship’s role in personal growth, and strategies for successful collaborations. Rick’s journey from corporate leadership to founding his media company offers invaluable lessons on embracing change, pursuing passions, and the art of effective communication. This episode is a treasure trove for anyone interested in leadership, entrepreneurship, and the transformative power of storytelling in business.

#LeadershipTalks #RickTocquigny #Entrepreneurship #SuccessMadeToLast #Mentorship #StorytellingInBusiness #BusinessInsights #Innovation #Leadership #Innovation #CareerTransition #MediaEntrepreneurship #CorporateToCreative #LeadershipSkills #PersonalGrowth #ProfessionalDevelopment #LeadershipDevelopment #StrategicThinking #CreativeLeadership #MentorshipMatters #LeadershipJourney #SuccessStories #Podcasting #DigitalStorytelling #CollaborationSuccess #LeadershipAdvice #EntrepreneurialMindset #VisionaryLeadership

Success Made To Last

Join us on Leadership Talks as Martin Rowinski, co-founder and CEO of Boardsi, delves into an enlightening conversation with Rick Tocquigny. Rick, a mentor, author, and founder of the Success Made to Last podcast, shares his extensive experience transitioning from corporate giants like P&G and PepsiCo to media entrepreneurship. Explore key takeaways on the importance of storytelling in leadership, mentorship’s role in personal growth, and strategies for successful collaborations. Rick’s journey from corporate leadership to founding his media company offers invaluable lessons on embracing change, pursuing passions, and the art of effective communication. This episode is a treasure trove for anyone interested in leadership, entrepreneurship, and the transformative power of storytelling in business.

In this episode, Martin Ravinsky interviews Rick Tocquigny, a mentor, author, and founder of a media company. They discuss Rick’s journey from corporate leadership to media entrepreneurship and the challenges and rewards of starting his own business. They also explore the importance of storytelling in business and the role of creativity in success. Rick shares his experiences with mentorship and leadership lessons he has learned throughout his career. They touch on navigating mergers and acquisitions, pivotal moments in leadership philosophy, and the common traits observed in inspiring individuals. The conversation concludes with memorable anecdotes from Rick’s podcasting experience and a discussion on the differences between corporate leadership and entrepreneurship, as well as the benefits of podcasting over publishing.


Transitioning from corporate leadership to entrepreneurship requires bravery, courage, and a willingness to leave behind the support and resources of a large organization.

Storytelling is a crucial skill in business, allowing leaders to engage and connect with their audience. It requires both art and science to effectively communicate a message.

Mentorship is invaluable in personal and professional growth. Seeking out mentors and being open to their guidance can greatly impact one’s success.

Transparency and effective communication are essential in navigating mergers and acquisitions. Leaders should be honest and upfront with their board members and employees to maintain trust and dignity.

Podcasting offers a unique platform for storytelling and connecting with an audience. It allows for deep conversations and the opportunity to learn from inspiring individuals.



Introduction of Rick Tocquigny


Journey from Corporate Leadership to Media Entrepreneurship


The Art of Storytelling in Business


Mentorship and Leadership Lessons


The Role of Creativity in Business Success


Exploring Creative Endeavors in Publishing and Podcasting


Navigating the World of Mergers and Acquisitions


Pivotal Moments in Leadership Philosophy


Common Traits in Inspiring Individuals


Advice for Leaders and Entrepreneurs


Memorable and Humorous Anecdotes from Podcasting


Corporate Leadership vs. Entrepreneurship


Storytelling in Business vs. Personal Narratives


Podcasting vs. Publishing

#LeadershipTalks #RickTocquigny #Entrepreneurship #SuccessMadeToLast #Mentorship #StorytellingInBusiness #BusinessInsights #Innovation #Leadership #Innovation #CareerTransition #MediaEntrepreneurship #CorporateToCreative #LeadershipSkills #PersonalGrowth #ProfessionalDevelopment #LeadershipDevelopment #StrategicThinking #CreativeLeadership #MentorshipMatters #LeadershipJourney #SuccessStories #Podcasting #DigitalStorytelling #CollaborationSuccess #LeadershipAdvice #EntrepreneurialMindset #VisionaryLeadership


Martin Rowinski (00:04.099)
Welcome to Leadership Talks podcast, where we delve into the minds of the most influential leaders in business. I’m your host, Martin Rowinski, co-founder and CEO of Boardsi And today we’re joined by an exceptional guest, Rick Tocquigny Rick is not just a mentor and author, but also the founder and host of the Success Made to Last podcast. He’s a Pulitzer Prize finalist.
executive producer of the Smarter Collaboration podcast series, and boasts a rich history with industry giants like P&G and PepsiCo. A proud Texas A&M grad, Rick’s insights into leadership, collaboration, and success are unparalleled. Join us as we explore Rick’s journey, his lessons on leadership, and his vision for fostering successful collaborations.

Rick Tocquigny (00:54.038)
lessons of leadership and his vision for fostering successful collaborations in the modern business. Let’s hear from Walt Brick. Thank you, Martin. Great to see you again. Yes, it is.

Martin Rowinski (00:59.271)
in the modern business landscape. Welcome, Rick.

Martin Rowinski (01:06.243)
Yes it is. So journey from corporate leadership to media entrepreneurship. How is exploring your transition from roles at PepsiCo and Procter & Gamble to now founding your own media company? Talk a little bit about that.

Martin Rowinski (01:34.135)
Did that all come through?

Rick Tocquigny (01:36.338)
I need for you to repeat that. I got every other word. So if post-production can take care of that, that’d be great. Okay.

Martin Rowinski (01:40.771)
Oh boy. Oh they will, they will. I was just talking the journey from corporate leadership to media entrepreneurship, you know from coming from PepsiCo, Procter & Gamble and then founding your own media company. Talk a little bit about that.

Rick Tocquigny (01:58.838)
But that is a great question. I’ll start with, you know, check your bravery and courage at the front door because all of a sudden you’re not in the arms of a big fatherly figure that makes, that does $70 billion a year in revenue or working on a brand that does $4 billion a year like Doritos.
So it is, it’s one of the better look up the word bootstrap. And then you’d better leave your ego far behind because you’re gonna be doing almost everything, every task associated with the business down to talking to every customer. And it is a rich experience. It’s an escape, but you better understand what you’re facing.
And then in terms of being now on the other side of the desk for 15 years, it’s one of be brief, be concise, have a budget, don’t hire too much overhead, watch your cash flow and keep a keen eye on who’s the most important, which is your audience or your end client.

Martin Rowinski (03:17.207)
I love it. You hit on two points that, you know, my entrepreneur journey have, you know, bootstrapping is, that’s what I’ve always done. And I’ve never really had an ego issue, but I’ve consulted with a few egomaniacs, CEOs, and never seen them be successful. So very good points to bring up. One thing I think that’s really worked for you, especially
with your podcast and media company is the art of storytelling, both obviously, like I said, in business and in life. And I think, you know, that’s sometimes not really talked about as far as corporate world, but I know in your podcasts, you talk about it all the time. Can you elaborate a little bit on that?

Rick Tocquigny (04:09.062)
I think, Martin, that storytelling as a skill set is as necessary as the air that we breathe and other key leadership traits going into the next 10, 15 years are being able to collaborate smartly. But storytelling is, there is an art and science to it. And
My daughter Jennifer, who’s a film producer in Hollywood, she was in an internship her junior year, and the guy that produced the movie Airplane was her mentor. And he said, if you college graduates would just finish your college time being able to put two words together in a complete sentence.
and be able to tell a story beginning with once upon a time, and that’s the end, then the world will be a whole lot better place. I’m pretty sure he’s right. But what’s happened in our lifetime though has been this emergence of the media and internet. And so there is an attention deficit disorder.

Martin Rowinski (05:07.779)
Thank you.

Martin Rowinski (05:15.352)
I would agree.

Rick Tocquigny (05:30.182)
And so similar to a project that you and I are working on, we had to hone the story down to an elevator speech because that’s probably how much people can consume today. So what an important skillset to have and to continue to practice.

Martin Rowinski (05:48.631)
I agree and I wasn’t aware that your daughter’s in that industry. That’s pretty awesome. Is she based out of LA?

Rick Tocquigny (05:58.19)
she is indeed.

Martin Rowinski (05:59.759)
We should connect my daughter and her because she my daughter’s in the entertainment industry too, but more with music artists

Rick Tocquigny (06:07.218)
Oh, tremendous, tremendous. You know, that would that would be considered done, at least from a dad to dad perspective, and then whether they connect and decide to do coffee or whatever they call it, then that’s up to them.

Martin Rowinski (06:08.183)
So that would be a… maybe they can become friends.

Martin Rowinski (06:17.164)

Martin Rowinski (06:23.643)
Perfect. So let’s talk a little bit about mentorship and leadership. Lessons learned for you. Your experience with mentorship. Did you have a mentor? Your key leadership lessons? Things you’ve got her throughout the career throughout your years. I mean again P&G, PepsiCo, no small companies that you are working for.

Rick Tocquigny (06:50.926)
Thank you for asking. I have never been shy about asking for someone to be my mentor. So my list of mentors is incredible. It’s been a blessing. And to this day, I think I have seven mentors that surround me. And you got to meet one of them today, Mr. John Pepper, you know, former chairman of Procter & Gamble and Disney.

Martin Rowinski (07:13.408)
Yes, I did.

Rick Tocquigny (07:18.07)
And I think what people mistake is if you have to be in front of someone face to face, or can someone be a mentor who’s already passed away. And I have live ones, and then I have distant ones, and then I have ones that have passed on. And I’ll give you an example of one current one that I am most proud of, Bill Hellamanderas.
is used to be the lead of the oversight committee for the US Senate. And he was introduced to me by Tim Love, who was the vice chairman of Omnicom. I think the largest ad agency in the world. And Bill has become a mentor. His mentor was Victor Frankel, who wrote, Man Search for Meaning. So I have become a junior Victor Frankel.

Martin Rowinski (08:07.992)

Rick Tocquigny (08:13.566)
as a result. And then one day, Martin and I asked Bill, who was Victor’s favorite mentor? And it was Sigmund Freud. And so that’s what’s wrong with me. That’s… So when I have these weird days, I trace it to that, but that’s surrounding yourself with greatness.

Martin Rowinski (08:25.477)
Oh my gosh.

Martin Rowinski (08:41.519)
Oh my gosh. I felt that this morning talking to you and Mr. John Pepper, I mean, what an honor. And he is just incredible and so sharp still to this day. It was pretty amazing. I thank you so much.

Rick Tocquigny (08:58.73)
Yeah, you bet. Yeah, I was telling my wife, Carla, I said, so Martin and I got to meet with the guy that told Bob Iger what to do, who told Mickey Mouse what to do. So, it was, you almost sit back and you, you’re waiting for every word, which is one of the things that he described as one of the great characteristics and qualities of a wonderful board member is measure your words.

Martin Rowinski (09:08.229)
Ha ha!

Martin Rowinski (09:29.655)
Yep, only speak when you need to and make sure those words are effective and not just, I guess the best way to put it, fillers and make your awareness right that you’re there. Yeah. So the role of creativity in business success, exploring your creative endeavors in publishing and podcasting. First of all, what drove you?

Rick Tocquigny (09:41.102)
That’s right.

Martin Rowinski (09:58.583)
Or like where did that idea come from? Obviously after leaving the corporate world That’s so different and unique and I love your podcast, but I it Obviously coming from corporate world like you did what drove that idea?

Rick Tocquigny (10:14.634)
Yeah, the moment of the eureka moment or aha or possibly an epiphany was a friend of mine, a graduate of Colorado, University of Colorado, who was the editor of Guidepost magazine and books. He and I were talking one time over lunch in New York City about this new way of communicating.

all these high school and football college players and with a friend had built a What they called the Bible for recruiting and This is what colleges were using to select their college players long before NIL long before Nick Saban system that it up and He said we’re going on the air on what’s called a podcast. This is 2009
And I said, tell me more. And so he inspired me, Ross inspired me to get into it. And I swear, Martin, it was two lemonade cans with a string in between the middle because it was almost like ham radio operators from Poland to China going, come on in. So it was awful, but it was the start of audio storytelling.

Martin Rowinski (11:32.384)

Martin Rowinski (11:39.723)

Rick Tocquigny (11:40.734)
And so podcasting has found me. I didn’t find podcasting in, in retrospect. And so I, you know, I love what you’re doing. And, um, I really. Cherish my time when I’m interviewing other podcasters like Matt Abraham’s yesterday, who was just, he blew me away. You know, he’s like, he’s written, he’s written a book for people like you and me think fast, talk smart. I mean, it’s like, Oh my gosh. It was.
It’s a treasure trove for podcasters or basically any other leaders, but So anyway, that’s where that started

Martin Rowinski (12:10.507)
That is… so true.

Martin Rowinski (12:20.315)
I mean, it is so true. And even having that moment when you do podcasts and as the host, you’re sitting there just, you’re learning. And you’re hoping that obviously other people listen and do the same and bringing on key leaders. I mean, I would say the same thing for me why my podcast came alive was because I was interviewed so many times. And I was just like, you know what? I have so many connections that can give back.
to the community so much, why would I not do it? Which now transformed this leadership talks into another podcast, which is called Boardroom Chronicles. I did my first official episode yesterday and it’s focusing on one topic when it comes to boardroom, discussing some of the articles that we’ve written at Board’s Eye. And it was pretty mind blowing, the things you can learn from people that you bring on as a guest. So you’re not just.
Writing it down. Yep. So navigating, what was that?

Rick Tocquigny (13:23.23)
Exactly. Let me interrupt and ask you a question. This is an interruptive podcaster asking a podcaster. I think I’ve told you this, but I’d love for you to go public with your answer. There is a tension inside boards when you come on a board and they’re in the middle of series A fundraising.
and they raise funds at ex-valuation. And your expectation as a board member is that you’re gonna stay on until the company is sold. And then series B and C comes along and dilutes the value of the company. And then that group inside the board that’s calling series A tribe, they wanna get out. Well, you are creating.
your own problem, your own war inside the board. What advice would you give to chairmans on how to manage that more effectively?

Martin Rowinski (14:26.907)
I mean, I’ve never been on a board of exactly what you just described, but just from people that I’ve spoken with, things that I’ve learned, and the biggest thing I’ve learned lesson-wise, and I shouldn’t say I’ve learned because I never had an issue with it. I don’t really know how to do nothing but be transparent, but I would have to say be transparent with your board, your board members. If they’re not aware of the fact that they’re going to be diluted.
maybe that’s something that should be talked about. So it doesn’t come as a surprise. But I think overall in business transparency is extremely important. And going back to the storytelling, for example, that’s one thing that I didn’t understand how important it was when you make yourself vulnerable. Because obviously if you tell a private story, it touches people, but you yourself telling the story feel vulnerable because it might, it’s some private information.
And I didn’t realize how positive that can be until I did my talk at Florida International University to students. And I told the story where I literally I cried on stage. I won’t get into it right now. But it was very, very vulnerable for me to tell that story. I stayed after that talk. I stayed for two hours with students that were asking me.
gazillion questions about what they should do when they graduate, leadership questions and it was just the kind of an awakening moment for me like wow that really did hit him right on the nose. So I think transparency I would say would be my biggest suggestion because as far as anything else how do you overcome that I mean that is the reality that’s what’s gonna happen I think.

Rick Tocquigny (15:54.158)
a gazillion questions about what they should do when they graduate, leadership questions. And it was just kind of an awaiting moment for me, like, wow, that really did hit a close. So I think transparency, I would say, would be my biggest suggestion, because as far as anything else, how you overcome that, I mean, that is the reality of what’s going to happen.
Yeah, thank you for that. I would also have a bonus question. How can you repeat more moments like that? Not necessarily are you crying on stage, but platforms where you’ve got, if you had the bandwidth of two hours to give, because that might’ve been a moment of illumination for those students.

Martin Rowinski (16:28.183)

Martin Rowinski (16:42.971)
How do I do it again? Well, the story that I told, I did tell that story again, and I cried again. So it’s a very, I mean, I’ll duplicate that every time. They’re not fake tears. But it is very, very close and very, very personal story that, as a parent, nobody should go through. Me and my wife did. And just thinking about it right now, I’m starting to get goosebumps. So.
I think again, if you’re transparent and it’s a true story and not something you made up, it can be repeated. And even when I did that the second time around in front of adults, it was nothing but hugs. So again, different than obviously students, but it was adults, parents, and they understand what we went through. But just opens up the door.

Rick Tocquigny (17:19.436)

Rick Tocquigny (17:32.518)
Yeah, well thank you for that.

Rick Tocquigny (17:42.019)
Yeah, that’s right. Back to you interviewing me. Sorry. Can’t help myself.

Martin Rowinski (17:44.571)
Alright, so back to the podcast. No, no, it’s okay. Again, you’re a podcaster, I’m a podcaster now, so it’s totally understood. Navigating the world of mergers and acquisitions with your experience in strategies and handling M&As, how did this shape your business acumen?

Rick Tocquigny (18:14.17)
Mmm, I’ll try to be brief because it was ugly

Rick Tocquigny (18:23.058)
I’ll name names. This was Colombo yogurt selling to General Mills. And we worked our fannies off to build the company and to manage and lead annual recurring revenue. And then the acquisition came along, and I personally prepared.
Bibles of information on 17,000 locations and And then summarily general Mills who had this vision in mind let every Single person go with the exception of my director of research So I would say there was a I was naive About what was going to happen in the end? and I was
totally naive that they would dissolve the brand, that it was an offensive acquisition that all they wanted was share in New England, and which is the market that we dominated. So that was my experience. I would say go into it eyes wide open, try to ask great questions and don’t be naive.

Martin Rowinski (19:39.523)
That’s a, it was a lesson you learned and obviously remember, which leads me to the next question. And I don’t know if you have another pivotal moment, but, uh, from your time at major corporations, PNG, PepsiCo, um, what shaped your, a pivotal moment that shaped your leadership philosophy.

Rick Tocquigny (20:05.506)
I would say it was when we took, I took the leadership team to Sundance, Utah, and we were personally taught by Stephen Covey. And he’s weeping in front of us with his steely blue eyes and Mr. Clean ball head.
teaching us how to write mission and vision statements and begin with the end in mind. And I am a walking, talking Stephen Covey to this day.

Martin Rowinski (20:44.695)
You’re a sponge and you’ve had great mentors.

Rick Tocquigny (20:48.858)
I mean, I’ve been so lucky. I mean, I had Zig Ziglar and he’s like, he talks more Southern than I do. So I had to listen carefully to that Southern Alabama accent. So that’s it. It’s the Stephen Covey moment. And every time I talk to you, I think I’m doing a little bit of sharpening the saw. We got it this morning in our meeting with Mr. Pepper. So it’s a…

Martin Rowinski (20:56.188)
Ha ha ha.

Martin Rowinski (21:06.238)

Rick Tocquigny (21:18.986)
You gotta keep practicing.

Martin Rowinski (21:21.151)
You do, you do. Get better and more comfortable and can’t say you ever get used to it, but definitely becomes easier, I think. Now let’s focus about your podcast. You do talk to obviously some amazing people, also ordinary people, but all of them living extraordinary lives. They’ve done amazing things. What are…

Rick Tocquigny (21:30.838)
That’s right.

Martin Rowinski (21:48.863)
couple of common traits you’ve observed in these individuals.

Rick Tocquigny (21:53.862)
Number one, they have gone on their own personal odyssey similar to you, and they have figured out that at the end of their life, it’s not about the digits in the bank account, it’s about what lives they changed along the way.

Rick Tocquigny (22:12.242)
Number two, somebody in their life shaped them to be, shaped their heart to have that condition and that we need to thank those mentors, acknowledge them, and then try to pass on their wisdom. Those are the two.

Martin Rowinski (22:28.163)
awesome thank you. What advice would you give to leaders and entrepreneurs when it comes to we already touched a little bit on mergers and acquisitions but we can keep it general. Two pieces of advice.

Rick Tocquigny (22:46.31)
Remember what your mom taught you or that you learned in Sunday school that God gave you two ears and one mouth. So learn to listen deeply. And then I would say if you are in the position where you have to be like Neutron Jack at GE and you have to let people go

do it with as much grace and kindness as possible because a person needs to walk away with their dignity and their chin held high. That’s it.

Martin Rowinski (23:25.271)
Thank you. Okay, here’s a couple of quick questions. As a host who has interacted with various inspiring personalities, do you have any particular memorable or humorous anecdotes from your podcasting experience that you could share with us?

Rick Tocquigny (23:46.162)
Yes, this one is about overcoming physical challenges. And our number one show in terms of downloads and ears to the show was with Mike Berenstain, the Berenstain Bears. And they’ve sold over 300 million copies of books from Stan and Jan, his parents. Stan was not able to enlist in the army.

for one reason, and it came out in that show, it was because he was blind in one eye. And he was the lead artist for the Berenstain Bears. So I love that story of overcoming that obstacle and never saying never.

Martin Rowinski (24:26.219)

Martin Rowinski (24:34.816)
Never give up.

Rick Tocquigny (24:35.006)
And then I never give up. And then I’ve got, you know, we’ve done over 3000 shows. So let’s see if I can conjure another one up. Steve Sassoon who helped invent digital photography for Kodak and I was a summer intern with them probably before you were born. And I wanted to know what happened in the boardroom when Kodak decided to not pursue digital photography.

As in, what happened to you idiots? And somebody decided, even though they had it in their hand, Martin, and they knew what was gonna happen down the road, somebody was so protective of their film and their chemical business, they could not see the forest for the trees, the trees for the forest. And it’s like, oh my gosh, people stay open-minded. Think about the future a little bit.

Martin Rowinski (25:08.2)

Martin Rowinski (25:24.451)
past that. Yeah.

Rick Tocquigny (25:34.879)
and don’t be stuck in your silos. So that’s it. Those are the two biggies.

Martin Rowinski (25:39.583)
Yeah, as I always call that, think outside the box a little bit.

Rick Tocquigny (25:43.778)
Just a little.

Martin Rowinski (25:44.951)
Just a little. All right, here’s a couple of quick fire questions. Having experienced both worlds, corporate leadership and entrepreneurship, which one resonates more with you?

Rick Tocquigny (25:59.934)
entrepreneurship, no performance appraisals.

Martin Rowinski (26:05.413)
Alright, here’s another one. Storytelling in business versus personal narratives.

Rick Tocquigny (26:14.75)
I would say in business because the business seeps over to personal.

Martin Rowinski (26:21.623)
Okay, as someone who has made significant strides in both fields of podcasting and publishing, if you had to choose one, which one?

Rick Tocquigny (26:32.106)
significance in, I’ll take significance in general, but I would say that you gotta go where the audience is, so it’s gotta be podcasting now.

Martin Rowinski (26:38.248)
in general.

Martin Rowinski (26:45.495)
Awesome. I love podcasting too. You really get to know somebody.

Rick Tocquigny (26:48.734)
I can tell. Yep. You’re good at it. I can, I’m very impressed, but you know I’m impressed with you anyway. So it’s another leg for Martin.

Martin Rowinski (26:57.997)
Oh, thank you so much, Rick.

Martin Rowinski (27:02.659)
Thank you. Well, that pretty much wraps it up for me. I don’t have any other questions. Anything else you would like to add? Are you, you’re working on something right now, I think, aren’t you? New book?

Rick Tocquigny (27:19.386)
I am, thanks for asking. It’s conversations of significance. It’s a derivative of our particular podcast. And every time we interview someone new, the better we recruit, the better the chapter’s gonna be. So we found Sophie Rue, sophomore at Stanford. She was our person of significance in 2023, who went to…
Malawi, some foreign country, and is now helping the most, the most object poverty people get an education. And she’s converted containers into school rooms with direct TV. I mean, she’s a brainiac and she’s just a girl, you know? So that’s, um, that’s what that book is about. And, um, and I would encourage anyone who wants to be on our.

Martin Rowinski (27:58.595)

Rick Tocquigny (28:12.538)
Smarter Collaboration series with Dr. Heidi Gardner and Ivan Madenviac who has a great Smarter Collaboration success story. Please email me Rick at succ and other than that I would say that for those of you that want to consider being on a board if you think that you have the

the chops to do that, please contact Martin’s fantastic company and they will work with you. There’s no guarantees, but they will work with you.

Martin Rowinski (28:52.235)
Thank you. And since I have you here again, congratulations. So that’s awesome. And thank you for the call early this morning with Mr. John Pepper. Again, over the top, I’ve been telling everybody I run into, do you know who John Pepper is? Amazing.

Rick Tocquigny (28:57.326)
Thanks. You bet.

Rick Tocquigny (29:10.826)
Yes, sir. You know, we finish every show with wishing you success on your way to significance. So I’ll say that and say thank you, Martin.

Martin Rowinski (29:18.807)
Thank you. And I’m wishing you success. And we will talk to you, or I will talk to you soon for sure. So, on to the next talk. Thank you, Rick.

Martin Rowinski (29:36.343)
Can you hear me okay?

Rick Tocquigny (29:39.094)
can now. Are we?

Martin Rowinski (29:39.443)
Now, OK, I was just saying thank you, Rick, very much. And we’ll talk again very soon. Look forward to our next chat with Mr. John Pepper.

Rick Tocquigny (29:45.31)
Very good.

Martin Rowinski (29:49.543)
Awesome. Take care. Bye.


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